Mid-Iowa Family Therapy Clinic, Inc. provides comprehensive, independent outpatient treatment and therapy services to children and adults. Mid-Iowa has been delivering services across Iowa for over thirty years. Our Outpatient team is licensed in the State of Iowa.
Behavioral Health Intervention Services
Mid-Iowa Family Therapy Clinic offers Behavioral Health Intervention Services (BHIS). The BHIS program provides community-based services designed to address the behavioral needs of children and adults that accompany a mental illness diagnosis. The primary goal of the BHIS program is to assist individuals and their family in building additional skills to manage behavior and regain positive functioning within the home and community.
Services are designed to take place outside the office setting thus providing a flexible schedule for appointments. Appointments are scheduled in convenient locations for the client. This may be in the home, at school or another community location that provides a private, comfortable environment. The BHIS program serves individuals with active Title XIX benefits through Medicaid. To participate in BHIS, an individual must secure a clinical diagnostic assessment with a licensed practitioner of the healing arts (LPHA). Mid-Iowa Family Therapy Clinic partners with the Institute for Therapy and Psychological Solutions, LLC (ITPS) to secure the necessary diagnostic assessment services.

Mental Health Therapy Services
Mid-Iowa Family Therapy Clinic offers comprehensive outpatient therapy services and psychiatric services through our partner company, the Institute for Therapy and Psychological Solutions, LLC (ITPS). We serve the mental and behavioral health needs of children, adolescents, and adults and strive to provide a full array of therapy options in an office setting.
Services through ITPS include diagnostic assessments, individual, couple, and family therapy, and medication management with psychiatrist Dr. M. Jerome Fialkov, MD. ITPS employs clinically trained therapists in good standing with the Iowa Bureau of Professional Licensure. Therapist are licensed as LMFT (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist), LMHC (Licensed Mental Health Counselor), LISW (Licensed Independent Social Worker) and LMSW (Licensed Master Social Worker). Therapists serve clients with Title XIX and other insurance coverage.

meet the therapists

Christine Secrist, PhD, LMFT
CEO & Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Dr. Secrist is CEO of Mid-Iowa Family Therapy Clinic, Inc., and the Institute for Therapy & Psychological Solutions, LLC. Dr. Secrist has been a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist since 1993. She received her PhD in Human Development and Family Studies with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy from Iowa State University. READ MORE

Katie Obert, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Katie obtained her Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Mount Mercy University. Katie is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She is certified in Trauma-Focused CBT, the Incredible Years evidenced based parenting curriculum and trained in IoWA- PCIT (Integration of Working Models of Attachment into Parent Child Interaction Therapy). Katie provides outpatient mental health services for adults, children, couples and families in the Windsor Heights office. In 2019, Katie was trained to be a trainer in IoWA-PCIT by creator and founder Dr. Beth Troutman at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine.

Lori Mozena, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Lori has been a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist since 1993. She has been working in the child welfare field in Iowa for over 30 years. She specializes in providing training and clinical consultation to social work, therapeutic and provider staff. Ms. Mozena is a FTDM Meeting Facilitator and Coach and is a Master Trainer for FTDM Meeting facilitation for the State of Iowa. She is trained in Trauma-Focused CBT and Child Parent Psychotherapy – CPP and SafeCare. Lori is a certified Home Visitor, Coach and Trainer for the SafeCare Program. Ms. Mozena currently works from the Windsor Heights office.
Siobhan Danreis, LMHC, RPT
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Siobhan’s service as a licensed therapist spans 10 years, with 18 years as principal of a somatic wellness practice. She holds a Master of Arts degree in Counseling Psychology with the completion of Art Therapy Certification Board educational standards from Prescott College. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biological Science from the University of Arizona. Siobhan is also a Registered Play Therapist. She works with individuals and families with those from age 5 to 85 to resolve life stressors in the Fort Dodge office.
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